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Life and Times of an itinerant slacker in Sacramento. Thrills, Spills Galore coming soon. Not to mention lots of opinions.

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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Duuuuuude! We're Like Totally Gonna Get a Pot Referendum! I'm Soooooo Stoked!!!

For sure! According to Presumably, they are not just blowing smoke, then again...

Although crackPots they may be, TaxCannabis filed 700,000 signatures this morning. That for all intents and purposes ensures we'll see the referendum this November. Perhaps, in the future, legalization and regulation will include closing pot sales outlets on Election Day?

Interesting - the mainstream news media has not reported on this campaign besides telling us its supporters are an isolated handful of no-account losers. Wrong Again! Let's hear it for corporate free speech. Since that's the only free speech we have left, we must cherish it.

P.S. This Santa Clarita City Councilman must be getting enough cannabis already.

The juicy part comes in the second minute. Three comments on this;

First, In the last century, at least Fascists had good posture and dressed well. What's with the grungy sweatsuit and the slouch?

Second, the learned councilman bitches about some kind of vaguely defined immigration problem. He never really says what the problem is. Nor does he propose a solution. Expulsion of illegal immigrants is not a solution when people can simply walk back across the border. Well, what did you expect to come out of a rectum?

Third, some of my Midwestern relatives confuse Northern California with Southern California. You know who you are. Santa Clarita and similar Los Angeles suburbs form the heart of Southern California. San Francisco and Silicon Valley are the heart of Northern California. Every day we have to live with embarrassments like our Governor, Proposition 8 and this yahoo.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

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I must enjoy shouting into a vacuum, but I think about getting my act together one of these days. My mom says I am very handsome and intelligent.

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