I am working out a trip to Wisconsin for October. I can't quite settle on choosing a flight, since the all the flights are inconvenient. It's impossible to get from here to there without either dealing with a a 6:45 AM departure time in Sacramento or an arrival after 11:00 PM on one end or the other. I'll figure out something. Later. I'll just whinge for a while in the meantime. That tactic may pay off, it looks like fares dropped about $40 since yesterday.
All this talk about the joys of flying in what passes for our Modern Country made me think of Prague's Franz Kafka Airport. One of the best Onion News Network features ever. This is exactly what air travel feels like to me.
Prague's Franz Kafka International Named World's Most Alienating Airport
While we're on the subject, Mexicana Airlines just announced immediate suspension of its 11 Weekly Flights to Sacramento International Airport. That means there are now no international flights. Although these flights have been going to Mexico for only eight years, the local authorities have always called this airport "Sacramento International Airport". In the days before these once-in-a-while commuter jet flights to Mexico, the airport was known to local as "Sacramento Intergalactic Airport". Now, once again, we can use that awesome name with pride.
While we're on the subject of flight, we went to the Star Trek Exhibition at the McClellan (ex-air base) air and Space Museum. The exhibition was pretty fun, but no pictures were allowed.
The rest of the museum was the typical airbase museum, with a big lot full of old airplanes and bomb casings.
I posed for some people doing best Major Kong Pose I could.It probably looked something like this.
They didn't have any big nuke bomb casings, The nastiest most explodingest thing I found to ride was what looked like a two or three ton napalm bomb casing.
That was a disappointment, since according to the EPA, cleanup work in 2000 unearthed "one (1) 20-gallon drum, excavation of 480 cubic yards of soil, and laboratory wastes. Contents of one drum were labeled as containing plutonium."
Man, I wish I could have had my picture taken next to that.
Anyway, I will try to follow up and get the bomb picture.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Life and Times of an itinerant slacker in Sacramento. Thrills, Spills Galore coming soon. Not to mention lots of opinions.
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Tuesday, August 03, 2010
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- Steve
- I must enjoy shouting into a vacuum, but I think about getting my act together one of these days. My mom says I am very handsome and intelligent.
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