What I like about the is collection is the unvarnished angst and terror expressed in almost all the posters. We seem to have lost that willingness to hold no punches, to produce mass media that addresses the naked truths that haunt our dark hours. That may actually be a good thing, I don't know. In any event, the posters made me glad I wasn't living (or probably dying) in Europe then.
This poster reads, "We've beaten them before." I am a sucker for Alexander Nevsky-based propaganda. I guess after 700 years, its your turn to win, finally.

The grimness of a lot of these is sobering.
I was surprised at the variation ins styles. I like the stark simplicity and clarity of this poster.

Even the Museum of Modern Art got into the act with a national contest. This was the winner.

There is a certain 2oth Century Modern Art theme at work here.
Mais, non, ceci n'est pas une pipe (this is not a pipe).
mais sacre bleu, this is the enemy.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
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