Hangininsac is proud to present a guest editorial, written by our new corresponent, Arthur Le Chat.
Arthur wrote a holiday editorial that has doubled as our holiday letter.
So What, Another Year,
by Arthur LeChat
Steve and Kathleen remain in good health, and are glad to report the same for Peggie, Kathleen’s mom. They asked me to wish you Joyous Holidays and a Happy New Year.
Steve and Kathleen started the year with another momentous event; their Honda Civic hit 100,000 miles. In recognition of the car’s loyal service, Steve has taken to washing it once in a while. I’m pleased, because I hate seeing other cats’ footprints on my car.
Kathleen continues to work for the City of Sacramento. This year the City introduced monthly furlough days. Kathleen and Steve have enjoyed these days with adventures small and large. I don’t know why they don’t spend the days at home entertaining me.
Steve and Kathleen took several trips around California this year. They took some day trips in Northern California to see missions, hike in the Desolation Wilderness near Lake Tahoe, and attend Steve’s Niece Claire’s High School Graduation. They plan their trips with the eventual goal of visiting all the California missions. I think their goal should be to keep my bowl full at all times. They went away for an entire week in spring, to see flowering deserts and missions near San Diego, followed by a few days by the beach in Santa Cruz. They had a great time, while we had to settle for mere twice-a-day feedings from the neighbors. Did I mention we never get canned food?
Steve visited his parents and sister in Madison, Wisconsin for a week in the summer. The Madison relatives are going strong, and they filled Steve with cheese, bratwurst, ice cream and beer. Steve saw about 20 aunts, uncles and cousins when everyone gathered for a day in Appleton.
Kathleen has been spending a lot of time at the computer doing genealogy research while I walk in front of the screen and sit on the keyboard. Kathleen still sings and has taken on librarian duties in Schola Cantorum, her choir. Steve keeps on waking me by blowing in those noisy sticks that he calls clarinets and recorders. He plays with two early music groups in Sacramento and Oakland, as well as the Sacramento Concert Band.
That’s all the news I have to report. I will continue to spend hours a day staring at my humans so I won’t miss anything next year. Happy Holidays, and don’t forget the tuna.
That's our correspondent's story, and he's sticking to it.
Life and Times of an itinerant slacker in Sacramento. Thrills, Spills Galore coming soon. Not to mention lots of opinions.
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Sunday, December 13, 2009
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- Steve
- I must enjoy shouting into a vacuum, but I think about getting my act together one of these days. My mom says I am very handsome and intelligent.
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