Since I haven't had an original thought for I don't know how long, hers's something that made me laugh today.
see more Political Pictures
Life and Times of an itinerant slacker in Sacramento. Thrills, Spills Galore coming soon. Not to mention lots of opinions.
Would have been funnier had "agressive" been spelled correctly. But then - perhaps they were pimping Faux News, in which case the spelling error was done on purpose.
Horribly hot and humid here - high in the mid 90s, humidity to match.
Nice to see someone is still out there.
Why should cut and paste stuff be any better spelled than the rest of the blog? I think I need to clean my keyboard.
The spelling error was on the photo, not your comments. Hence my comment on Faux News (slogan "For the unbalanced"
BTW - post a link from facebook to this blog - you'll get more readers
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