Les Leopold wrote what I though was a cogent article laying out what is considered a radical viewpoint these days. Reading this highly opinionated article was a pleasure.
It's rare in our American political discourse to be treated to something close to Socratic discourse. I usually see one of two things; Either some opinionated know--it-all screaming about whatever is he knows better (think O'Reilly factor and Kieth Oberman), or writers repeating the same tired old points in increasing shrill language through long and repetitive and nearly fact-free screeds (Alternet and The Drudge Report).
Leopold is looking at his home state of New Jersey, where the Governor is fighting to sh*t can teachers and increase class sizes. He's also looking at New Jersey's handful of hedge fund managers who, in 2009 brought home total pay equal to millions of New Jersey's teachers.
Leopold dares to ask the obvious question, "If, as they say, you get what you pay for, what are we paying for, and what are we getting?"
As an aside, he points out that U. S. Financial Sector profits have bounced back to pre-collapse levels . Do you think think their profits derive from wonderful new productive enterprises, or are they pumping hot gas in to new bubbles. Your every last dollar depends on this, so I wish you all luck, and I wish me luck.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Life and Times of an itinerant slacker in Sacramento. Thrills, Spills Galore coming soon. Not to mention lots of opinions.
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Wednesday, May 05, 2010
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- Steve
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