Ladies and Gentlemen:
I have changed the blog's layout to promote easier reading and access to the awesome content.
Some Government computers users report they don't see a list of recent posts directly below the search bar. If you don't see clickable list of recent posts, please let me know and I will figure it out.
Youtube's recent change to a wide screen format made it difficult to fit some embedded videos in the postings column of the old layout. I wasn't terribly attached to the old layout, since millions of other bloggers and blogbots have also taken the path of least resistance and copied the same layout from Blogger. I changed to a plainer layout that gives the full screen's width to content. Once blogger comes up with some prettier templates that fit youtube's format changes, I may change the look again. Sometimes a guy just wants his blog to look pretty.
I added a Google Search and a click-through list of recent posts. Please rest assured I am not using the Google Search to monetize the blog. It's only there for your convenience. If I had an account with Adsense, I probably would have made about three cents by now. Contrary to what you hear, there really isn't a lot of money to be made this way. From looking at postings in Adsense's forums, a blog with a few thousand readers per day and an optimal ad-clicking rate will yield about $10 to $30 per day. We're not talking big bucks here. Even celebrity megablogger Wil Wheaton has given upon running ads for anything besides his own self-published books. If Wesley Crusher can't,what hope is there for the rest of us mere mortals?
In this vein, Tom Tomorrow's recent cartoon applies here.
Anyway, if your heart cries for the previous layout, respond with your complaints, hopefully expressed in the most demeaning language possible (after all,this is the Internet).
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Life and Times of an itinerant slacker in Sacramento. Thrills, Spills Galore coming soon. Not to mention lots of opinions.
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Thursday, April 22, 2010
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About Me

- Steve
- I must enjoy shouting into a vacuum, but I think about getting my act together one of these days. My mom says I am very handsome and intelligent.
Blog Archive
- Tell Me It Ain't So, Shoeless Joe Actuary
- Please Ye All and. . .
- How IBM Saved The World. . .Not
- Why I'm Really Glad I Don't Watch TV
- Hangininsac 2.2
- Soviet Cartoons Meet Ray Bradbury
- The Dangers of Spellcheckers, Again
- The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May/June...
- Interstate Germ Warfare...So It Begins
- Harry Potter and The Party of Nasty
- KFC Double Down Update
- Those Who Don't Do Anything Become Critics
- Oh Yeah! Finally Corporate America Gives Us Somet...
- Meet The New Boss
- The Clarinet will Inherit the Earth
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- The Best April Fools Day Stunt Ever
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- Anarchists in Santa suits
- Nina paley wants you to just say no to xmas
- All about Old Irish Sayings from Literature
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- Eyes Wide Open
- Sacramento Concert Band
- Crap Jobs of the U K
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