The bifurcation between what this administration says and what it does challenges even the most cynical.
The administration keeps on issuing permits for more mountaintop removal mines, despite scientific evidence of it's dangers and its lackluster economic justification. This is a classic case of the Federal Administration faced with the dilemma of supporting the Public good or corporate greed. Looks like the Big O's administration has its thumb on the corporate greed side of the scale. I was wondering how much money Big Coal actually pays for it's pernicious influence. Apparently, Congress is pretty cheap these days. However, buying a judge will cost you a little more.
Wasn't this the bold new administration that was going to use facts rather than faith in the inherent goodness of the maximal corporate profits to lead America to a great future? Oops, guess not.
In addition to the Obama, WTF?, The DailyKos article and its links reveal an interesting subculture of Appalachian folks who are sick and tired of all this.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Life and Times of an itinerant slacker in Sacramento. Thrills, Spills Galore coming soon. Not to mention lots of opinions.
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Wednesday, January 13, 2010
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- Steve
- I must enjoy shouting into a vacuum, but I think about getting my act together one of these days. My mom says I am very handsome and intelligent.
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