In the meantime, it’s that part of a hot summer day when I want to pretty much shuts down until later in the afternoon. Although I washed the car this morning, tonight will be busier.
The substitute clarinetist
I am going to a band rehearsal tonight to prepare for a concert on Sunday. The twist is that I’ll be substituting for the principal second clarinet in another band. The place to bee at 6:00 PM Sunday night will be Gibbon Park, with the Capital Pops Concert Band. That’s always a fun thing to do, since I’ll be able to read through the music once with the band tonight, run through and mark up music at home, and then play in the concert. That’s about as close as I get to playing like a professional musician. Good thing there normally aren’t any solo passages for second clarinets. The papers claim this week’s heat will break Saturday. Otherwise, the concert will be outside in 100 degree heat.
Sorry, no link fir this event. It looks like the Capitol Pops Band must have forgotten to pay their url registration fee or something to do with those dadburned interfernalnets. In any event, their website is in the thrall of a cyber squatter.
Washing the car - money versus effort
I washed the car this morning. The car always gets covered in a layer of brown dust during our hot and dry summers. The car washes here cost about $20, and a few years back, I figured out with driving back and forth and waiting at the car wash place, it takes nearly an hour to go to the car wash. Oddly enough, it takes about 45 minutes to wash the car myself in our driveway, and it’s fun in a strange way if you don’t do it too often. I have to admit my car wash technique isn’t quite up to Paris Hilton’s level, so don’t say I told you so.
That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
Life and Times of an itinerant slacker in Sacramento. Thrills, Spills Galore coming soon. Not to mention lots of opinions.
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Thursday, September 10, 2009
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- Steve
- I must enjoy shouting into a vacuum, but I think about getting my act together one of these days. My mom says I am very handsome and intelligent.
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