The BBC ran a mildly amusing article, describing a 13 year old blogger's week replacing his ipod with a walkman. Half of me thought the kid was cute and did a thoughtful review. The other half of me now better undertands why Maoists force young people to live like impoverished peasants. Young sir, there are pop culture starved children in somewhereorotherland who would give their eyeteeth to have a walkman with it's selection of 12 songs.
Interestingly, the kid praised the walkman's dual headphone jacks, so that two people can listen to the music at once. This photo more or less sums up his review.

Maybe he'd like the walkman better if it came with a walkmanlady for his very own.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
The early eighties were 29 years ago - not 39 years ago - oh math major. In addition to being somewhat competent at subtraction, I remember this well as Rachel was in the first generation of kids who grew up with instant music on demand everywhere they went.
Much Like Werner Herzog, I cannot submit to the truth of accountants, for I provide a deeper strata of truth in this blog, and there is such a thing as poetic, ecstatic truth. It is mysterious and elusive, and can be reached only through fabrication and imagination and stylization.
If you accepted this comment as serious for even one second, I suggest beer therapy.
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