The river of bullshit never stops. Especially on this blog.
The Script to Larry Flint’s soon-to-be-released Who’s Nailin Palin has surreptitiously found its way on to the internet. When I first saw this script, I had no idea what I was looking at.
Unfortunately, this appears to be more than the usual internet hoax. The Guardian is carrying the story as well. Limp Uncle Larry released a one minute preview, however Youtube has removed it. So sorry guys, this still is all you get to see for now.

I read a few pages of the script, and rest assured, it sucks, in every meaning of the word.
From looking at some other articles, I think a good rule to go by is to never piss off Larry Flint. Seriously, don’t even let your sleazy friends piss this guy off.
That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
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