Guts, it’s all about guts. Yesterday in Washington we witnessed two displays of gutlessness, with the exception of Representative Tubbs, our Barbara Boxer, and too few others.
The challenge to the joint confirmation of the electors’ ballots. Everybody knows a challenge will not change the outcome of the Federal election. Why not stand up to assure that We, The People are not subject to the threat of voter intimidation? If there are questions about intimidation, lets get them in the sunlight, and figure out how to allow We the People to exercise our right to vote. Shame on Congress.
Senate hearings Re: Albert Gonzales. Let’s challenge his memoranda that prevaricate and apply sick, tangled logic to make a case that torture is OK. Do you think his testimony might be more candid if we tied him to a board and dunked him? Alright, that’s going too far, but geezopete, the senate needs the truth. How about at least willingness to question in a provocative measure. Words I would like to hear:”Mr Gonzales, the memorandum I hold in my hand, signed by you on. . . states . . Please further explain these findings to the American people.” C’mon Democrats, how hard is that? What are you afraid of. Whatever intimidates you, your cowardice scares the living daylights out of me.
Remember George Wallace said there’s not “ a dimes worth of difference between Republicans and Democrats”? Please do something to prove him wrong.
Life and Times of an itinerant slacker in Sacramento. Thrills, Spills Galore coming soon. Not to mention lots of opinions.
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Friday, January 07, 2005
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- Steve
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